Toni deponia
Toni deponia

toni deponia

toni deponia

Rufus goes from a self-centered, egotistical and amoral a self-centered, egotistical and mostly amoral Jerk with a Heart of Gold who at least cares for Goal and (somewhat) for Deponia and his close allies but mostly for Goal. Cassandra Truth: When he tries to tell Toni that he died earlier and is now just a clone of the original Rufus, his ex-girlfriend scoffs the very notion, citing that she's personally seen him survive so many various impossible perils that she can't believe that his luck finally ran out.A good portion of the comedy in this game consists of Rufus hurting himself.and approximately 90% of those injuries (so, over 80% of all injuries in the area) occur to him. He's stated to be responsible for 90% of the injuries in his hometown. Bungling Inventor: The closest he has to an occupation.In addition, Rufus' inventions and plots tend to be poorly thought out and often fall apart because of little details that Rufus either ignores or does not learn about because of his overconfidence. Brilliant, but Lazy: Rufus creates all sorts of (occasionally impressive) inventions and convoluted plots to escape Deponia, but refuses to actually look for employment.Otherwise everyone and everything is fair game in whatever he is trying to accomplish.

Toni deponia full#

In fact, Rufus really only has a few moral hangups that keep him from being a full Nominal Hero: he will not willingly hurt Goal lie to her or let her die, and he will not go to Elysium at the cost of killing everyone on Deponia. He was genetically designed to have no respect for life, but due to some problems with the original genetic coding, he has an abundance of hope. Rufus, along with Cletus and Argus, is actually an Organon prototype, Codenamed "R" because he originally had red hair. When Goal falls into his lap, Rufus sees an opportunity to escape, as well as a new girlfriend. An incredibly egotistical and clumsy tinkerer who wants to leave Deponia at all costs and get to Elysium.

Toni deponia